Google Maps Business Views Press Release Questionnaire

Google PR Questionaire_Part 1

Google PR Questionaire_Part 2

Step 1 of 2 - About Your Business

  • Links to your Business

  • We usually use a storefront photo from your shoot. However, this can be a headshot, your company logo, or any relevant image. Let us know your preference in your reply.
  • We recommend that you send people to a Lead Generation page to capture their Name and E-mail address so you can create a relationship with your new prospects. This is the best resource for this functionality. For example, a special discount coupon or contest giveaway to incentivize readers to engage your business. If you don’t have an e-mail marketing system, then you really NEED one. This is our preferred email marketing solution.
  • Relevant information about your business that you want to publish in the PR

  • Promotion

  • What is the number 1 action-step do you want you your readers to take when finished? What do you need/want them to do next when reading your Press Release?
  • like win an award or complete a certification? We can include that in your PR if it is recent.