Is Facebook Partnering with iPhone to make iFrames?
Is Facebook Partnering with iPhone to make iFrames? (part 2)
In our last blog post, we discussed the fact that the almighty Facebook changed the way the game is played in terms of its Fan Pages. If you missed our discussion about their decision to use iframes as the new standard to create Fan Pages, be sure to check out our first Facebook iframes article. In this post, we are going to delve a little bit deeper into what it will take to create a Facebook Fan Page using iframes.
How to use iframes to make a fan page
One of the major changes that has begun in this whole process is that Facebook will no longer host your content. It used to be that you simply uploaded your content onto your fan page using FBML and other Facebook applications. Now with the use of iframes, the creator must host their content on a server other than Facebook. In layman’s terms, your content must be contained on another website besides Facebook. (Oh,yeah, if you don’t have a web site yet for your local business, please visit our web design page.) So it used to be that you could get by as a local business owner without a traditional website and just rely on a fan page. Well, not anymore, because you are basically screwed on two counts. No website, no fan page. Unless you can convince somebody to host your content on their site. Not likely. So why does having a website matter? Simple. The iframe will connect your fan page to the relevant content on your website and show that content on your fan page. (SEO hint: you may want to noindex your facebook content on your website to avoid duplicate content. I’m curious to get your comments if you are also a SEO guru on this idea) So, basically, the iframe is a portal that pulls content from whatever website you are using, and posts that content onto the fan page. The good news is with these new iframe parameters is that you can basically start creating some really nice mini-sites on Facebook if you know what you are doing. The bad news is that if you don’t know what you are doing, then you are going to have to hire somebody to do it for you or take the time to learn how to write PHP code. Good luck with that!
But if you choose to go the route less traveled, here is a basic guide to creating a fan page using iframes.
- Create your content and use your FTP software to upload it to your hosting server. Make sure you keep your content width within 520 pixels to comply with FB.
- Go to the Facebook Developers site.
- Create a new app by clicking on the appropriate “Set Up New App” icon.
- Rename the app to whatever you like. You might want to make it the same name that you plan on using for the tab.
- Do the legal stuff with the TOS and the anti-spam stuff with the captcha form.
- Complete your profile application. It is good if you have an icon to add here.
- Integrate your application into your fan page.
- Configure your page so the tab appears where you like it. It cannot go higher than the “Wall” and “Info” tabs. You can still make it your default landing page by editing your “Managing Permissions”.
That’s the skinny of it. There is a little more to it than just this, but I really don’t want to overwhelm anyone. If you are a local business owner, you should be investing your precious time by performing your core competencies, while delegating your shortcomings to those who are strong in other areas. Remember, time is money, right? It would be best to hire somebody to do this for you, even if it isn’t us. In the meantime, a quick fix is a new application that you can use for free. Just do a Google search for Wildfire facebook app. It will be free forever if you use it within the next couple of months. It is a little limited. If you need help creating images, then let us know. We are currently working on our fan page. Please “like” our fan page at the top right of this blog and you can follow the development of our fan page. So what do you think of these new Facebook iframes? Do you like them or not? Have some courage and start the controversy by making an outrageous comment below!