Marketing & Content

This section of the questionnaire is going to ask you for information regarding Marketing & Content of your new website.    Please take about 5-10 minutes and write down anything you specifically want your website to be able to do from a marketing perspective.  Hopefully, your business has already identified the following information, but if not, you will want to do so now:

  • Your Target Audience Demographic
  • Your Competition and their Website URLs
  • Your Primary Marketing Message
  • The Primary Action that Your Visitors Should Take
  • Links to Any Existing Videos, Testimonials, Guarantees or FAQs that your business already has in a digital format.
  • Any Promotional or Marketing Goals for Your Website

However, if you discover that you did need to find something during the questionnaire and caused a delay because you didn’t know you needed it, then please indicate that in the feedback section, so we can add that info here in the future.  Thanks!