Our Press Release Questionnaire is Going to Help Make YOU Look Like A Rockstar!

It is CRITICAL that you please use proper spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, and capitalization to ensure we can syndicate your Rockstar Press Release in a timely fashion. Any edits we make can delay the submission process.

If you have any questions, please submit a support ticket here.

Press Release Questionnaire

Please fill out this form with as much info and details as you can regarding your Rockstar Press Release!

Step 1 of 3

  • Please enter the name of the person at your company that wishes to be a part of your Rockstar Press Release.
  • Please provide your best business address. It is better if you have a professional email address (ie. name@mybusiness.com). If not, please provide what you have, and we'll see if we can help you with a professional address.
  • Please enter your company's official business address. This address will be used in your Rockstar Press Release for media contact or customer inquiries.
  • Please enter the business phone number you want published in your Rockstar Press Release!

Thanks for completing our Rockstar Press Release Questionnaire!

When you hit the "Submit" Button, you will automatically be re-directed to our FACEBOOK Fan Page.  We simply ask as our clients, that you please LIKE us!
If you didn't like us, then you wouldn't have bought a Rockstar Press Release right??