Does it leave something to be desired? In order to compete in today’s market, you absolutely MUST have a plan in place. Otherwise, you will lose out to your competition who does. Also, this plan needs to be comprehensive and shouldn’t just focus online. Who cares if people find you online, but don’t ultimately buy from you? Our local internet marketing strategies are specifically designed to funnel the online searcher to your website, which begins the conversion process. We then optimize your website to engage the visitor and get them to interact with you on various levels, depending on where they are in the buying cycle.
Once this exchange takes place, we implement multiple communication channels to develop a relationship with your potential clients. This is the opportunity to showcase your expertise, gain credibility, and earn the trust of your prospect. In this manner, you can maintain a relationship with literally thousands of people who are looking for your product or service! Then, when they are ready to buy, guess who they are going to want to do business with?? Of course, it will be YOU! Why? Because you will become the Local Business Rockstar of your industry in their eyes!
Once they have invested into your business thru their purchase, NOW it is time to give them an ROI! We will show you how to give your new customer an experience they will NOT forget! This is also where most businesses fail and don’t keep getting return business and referral. We will implement a retention & referral system whereby we take your new-found clients and transform them into FANS!
Once this relationship is kindled, we add our social media marketing formula to the mix and watch your business EXPLODE! Would you like to have more business than you can handle?
We can make this dream your reality….if you take action NOW!
Please review the different aspects of our website that appeal to you the most and reach out to us! Below you can choose which arena of local business marketing techniques you identify with the most or that you find most curious:

Local Search Engine Optimization
This is designed to help people in your local area who looking for your specific product and/or service on the web and connect them to your website. In essence, free internet traffic from qualified buyers! When done properly, you will be on the front page of Google search results which means more fans for your business and increased profits!

Search Engine Optimization
Although Google has given preference to local search results, we still can’t neglect traditional SEO. Many experts predict that these two arenas will compliment each other and those who dominate both areas will get the most traffic and the most fans! We can teach you a very simplistic approach to traditional search engine optimization so you can understand how it can benefit your business.

Web Design
Can you believe 50% of business owners don’t even have a website? Sadly, most local business owners pay BIG bucks for fancy sites, but have no clue as to the only real reason to have a web presence in the first place. Chances are your existing site needs a make-over. Why? Well, does your website convert visitors into buyers? Our web design team will create a custom-built website that is FUNCTIONAL and affordable.

Mobile Marketing
Did you know cell phone outnumber computers by 5 to 1 worldwide? You need to include mobile marketing to help attract new fans as well as communicate with your existing fanbase! Find out why!
Video Marketing
The fastest and quickest way to be seen as an expert in your industry is to use our proven video marketing campaigns. They are designed to develop your brand and get new fans to trust you.

Social Media Marketing
Every local business owner knows they should be using social media! However, even the vast majority of biz owners who do use social media marketing do it WRONG! Let us show you the RIGHT way!
Search Engine Marketing
Most people think this is the same as SEO, but it is not. The absolute fastest way to get laser-targeted traffic to your site is Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. If used incorrectly, it could drain your marketing budget rapidly. However, when utilized under skilled supervision, PPC can be a fantastic way to test marketing campaigns and acquire a steady stream of new fans to your website in a very cost-effective fashion.

Rockstar Marketing
Do you remember when you paid for a costly ad campaign, but had no actual way of measuring its performance? Thanks to technology, those days are over. We specialize in tracking anything and everything so you know which part of your campaign is benefiting your ROI the most. We even record your incoming phone calls from your online visitors to ensure you and your staff are maximizing your conversions! We have all kind of other rockstar marketing strategies, so check it out!
Be sure to visit our blog as we keep you up to date with the latest developments in the local business marketing world!