Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Why Do Local Business Owners Still Need Search Engine Optimization?

With the recent changes that Google made in the local search results, many local business owners have abandoned traditional SEO.  This is a huge mistake!  There is actually evidence that indicates your local search results are enhanced if you have a website that has been optimized for the search engines!  Also, Google can suddenly change the rules again at any time and you don’t want all your eggs in one basket!  Traditional SEO just simply means that you have a website that has been designed for the various search engines to find you easily and then rank you higher in the free, organic results section of the web.   There are many factors that go into search engine optimization.  The two main factors are the content and layout of your website and how your website is interconnected throughout the entire web.  Without optimizing these aspects of your site, you have virtually no chance of getting found online.  We work with some of the top SEO experts in the industry and will help your business get found on the front page of the search engines.  This way your website isn’t just found in the local results, but in the overall results as well!  Imagine when your business is listed TWICE on Google’s 1st page!  Maybe your local business offers products or services that are also internet-based?  Please call so we can help educate you on how search engine optimization can increase your profits and we can decide if SEO is right for your business model.